HighRoad U: Association Marketing Education

Follow that Buyer! Techniques for Tracking, Influencing & Measuring Member Behavior

Written by Adam Higgins | May 17, 2016 3:48:47 PM
The goal of every marketing spend is to know the return on the money invested. Did the investment net action? Did the member actually buy the book? Register for the conference? Book the hotel? Did the user subscribe to our newsletter? Join our organization, or follow us on Twitter? Actions that take a user from the state of browsing to buying are called conversions. Marketers might be interested in knowing open rates and click-throughs, but it's nothing compared to conversions which provide the data-based evidence that the user was prompted by a digital stimuli that you provided, was incited to action based on the stimuli you provided and actually took the action which can then be measured in terms of activation and valuation. This session is all about conversions and reporting. We'll talk about how to ascertain conversions, how to track them through embedding code and more. Ask harder questions, create more insightful reports to share with your executives and board members. Go beyond open rates and get serious about focusing on conversions!