HighRoad U: Association Marketing Education

Data is the Pot'o Gold: Using Data to Effectively Target

Written by Adam Higgins | Apr 27, 2016 9:55:13 AM

We all have tons of data within our organizations. We all theoretically understand that the more we target our communications, the higher the information absorption rate should be because we are connecting the right information to the right recipient. And yet..... If you're like many organizations, you are stuck down in the weeds trying to get emails out the door and respond to the changing needs of your stakeholders. Having those strategic conversations about data are too often put on the To Do List, but not today! Today you are going to take control of your luck and join this session to talk about pragmatic ways that you can use your organization's data today to better target your communications. More importantly, join us to talk about the type of data you need to start collecting now to better serve your constituents in the future.