Within Adestra, if you navigate to your organization's Core Table, you can find both the Dedupe Method and Dedupe Field.
To find this, go to Data > Core Table > select your Core Table.
scenario - person only has email - listimporting list not coming from amsperson exists in adestra, but importingperson in ur search criteria fits both profiles - same email [ 2 emails go out per ah ]downside of not hving email as dedupe field
screenshots of what dedupe field looks like
Your dedupe field can be any of the Table Fields you have in your Core Table, we would recommend the email address which is set as the default but it could be the ID number MessageFocus gives them, a job title etc.
Our Core Tables give you the option to prevent duplications, all you need to do is select the 'Overwrite duplicate records' radio button, when either creating a core table or through the settings tab.
The default deduplication field is the email address but it can be changed, for example to a specific ID no.
The deduplication method decides what will happen if a record is found in your CSV that matches a record already in the core table.
For an explanation of the different options, you can see our Duplicate record handling documentation.